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Prof. Dr. H.Imam Taufiq, M.Ag

Prof. Dr. H.Imam Taufiq, M.Ag

Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Prof. Dr. H.Imam Taufiq, M.Ag is Rector of Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang. Heis a Professor in the field of Qur’anic Interpretation Science at the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, in Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang, Indonesia. He holds bachelor, master and doctoral degrees from Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang. Over more than 20 years of career, he has experienced not only as an academic lecturer, but also holds important positions in Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang. In 2019, he was elected as Rector and served out his best of performance to develop Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang until now.

Beside his tremendous records in formal education, Imam Taufiq also took several short courses and trainings, such as the short course mediation and conflict transformation, in Wageningen University and Utrecht University Netherlands (2007); training on project management, MDF Ede Netherlands (2008), peace and conflict transformation course, European Peace University Austria (2009); International Course on Research Methodology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2013); short course on quality assurance at the National Institute of Education Singapore (2013); short course on AUN QA at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (2014); international writing and publication training at the University of Queensland, Australia (2015); training on corporate and business mediation, Harleem, Netherlands (2016); international course of fund rising at Monash University, Australia (2016); and short course on quality assurance for higher education in Kolkata India (2017).

His research interests include the field of Tafsir and Qur'anic studies; Islamic Studies, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Peace Education, Peace Building, and Higher Education Management. His research articles has been published in many publications either national or international. One of his latest article entitled “Virtual Ulama; Identity and Discourse” (2018) is a collaborative research between the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education (DIKTIS) of Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affair (Kementerian Agama RI) and Monash University of Australia.

Imam Taufiq has published many literatures in the area of Islamic Studies, Conflict Resolution, Peace Management, anti-violence movement, and Qur’anic interpretation. In 2016 his book called “Al-Qur’an is not a Book of Terror” is published and become a reputable reference in Islamic Moderation. 

He undergoes a lot of missions of projects either in his organizational position or academic career. The development of Islamic Moderation, Indigenous Religiosity, and Smart and Green Education System are among the focus of his missions right now.

Dr. Timothy Winter

Dr. Timothy Winter

Cambridge University

Academic: He is currently the Aziz Foundation Prof of Islamic Studies for the Cambridge Muslim College and Ebrahim College, two leading seminaries training faith leaders and Imams for the British community. He is also Shaykh Zayed Lecturer of Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Divinity at Cambridge University and Director of Studies in Theology at Wolfson College. He has published and contributed to numerous academic works on Islam and among his best known works are translations from Imam Ghazali’s Ihya and his own series of aphorisms (Commentary on the Eleventh Contentions). He is a much sought after speaker and contributes regularly to the media (fluent in several languages). Hundreds of YouTube videos of his lectures and talks form an important source of knowledge for English-speaking Muslims.

Cambridge Mosque: Prof Winter has been the main force behind the decade long project to build the Cambridge Central Mosque. The mosque represents an authentic Islamic design contextualised to its location and times. It is Europe’s first eco-mosque, having been designed with a high degree of environmental sustainability. It also incorporates a café, and meeting rooms for use by the whole community. The mosque opened in April 2019 and looks set to take its place as an iconic standard for all places of worship in the country.

Prof. Martin van Bruinessen

Prof. Martin van Bruinessen

Utrecht University

Martin van Bruinessen is Professor of the Comparative Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies. He was trained as a theoretical physicist but later switched to anthropology and conducted many years of field research in Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Indonesia. His published work is informed by a strong interest in history and politics. He carried out his first fieldwork among the Kurds of Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria in the mid-1970s and has frequently revisited that region. Between 1982 and 1994 he spent altogether nine years in Indonesia, in research and teaching. Returning to the Netherlands, he joined Utrecht University's Faculty of Arts in 1994 as Assistant Professor of Turkish and Kurdish Studies, and became a full professor in 1998, with a shift of emphasis to Islamic Studies. He was involved in the establishment of the International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) and occupied the ISIM chair at Utrecht University (1999-2008). He is a member of the scientific committees of the Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin and the Institut d'Études de l'Islam et des Sociétés du Monde Musulman (IISMM-EHESS, Paris). 

Dr. H. Akhmad Arif Junaidi, M.A.

Dr. H. Akhmad Arif Junaidi, M.A.

Chief of LP2M UIN Walisongo Semarang

He is currently the Chief of LP2M  UIN Walisongo Semarang